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Dear supporters of Save Dully,


It’s not often that a resident action group like ours can celebrate a substantial win in a battle with developers and their backers in Government.


But there it was recently with headlines in both newspapers about the NSW Government doing “a backflip” on its plans for high-rise rezonings as part of the Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor Strategy.


As much as the media stories sounded good, a quick look at the detail shows that we can’t be complacent. While the State Minister for Planning, Anthony Roberts, has indeed returned control of planning changes in the corridor back to Inner West Council, it will be guided by a ‘principle-based strategy’ to be completed by the Department of Planning.


We read that as meaning there is a way to go yet before we can be sure that the current halt in planning is anything more a slow-down in achieving the same goals as before.


So the “eternal vigilance” is required. As a result, we at Save Dully have prepared ourselves for the longer fight to save our suburb.


In particular, we have become an incorporated body under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009. As of last month we are “Save Dully Incorporated”. This means Save Dully will be a democratic organisation with an elected committee and the ability to hold its own bank accounts. But to properly set up Save Dully we need….you.


In particular, we need you to attend our annual general meeting.


When: Wednesday, 29 August, 2018 (7:30pm-9pm)

Where: Seaview St council hall, 14 Seaview St, Dulwich Hill


At this meeting, you will be able to formally join Save Dully Incorporated and nominate and vote for the positions on our Committee (namely President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Committee Member positions).


Meeting Agenda



  • Meeting attendees join Save Dully (there will be a fee of $15 for the waged and $5 for non-waged earners)

  • Nominees for the committee positions fill out nomination forms



Meeting begins with the following agenda items


  1. Proposal to adopt the Model Constitution with two amendments:

  • To add a new Clause 48 which states “Save Dully Incorporated, as an entity, is an apolitical organisation which will not endorse candidates who are seeking public office, nor submit candidates for public office.”

  • To delete Clause 15 (b) and replace it with “nominations for committee members can be made any time before the start of the annual general meeting”

  1. Election of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and 3 Committee members, by a show of hands if there are multiple nominations for the same position;

  2. Report from the new President about 2017-2018 achievements and key activities planned for 2018-2019;

  3. Report from the Treasurer about our financial state and plans to improve it;

  4. Adopt a decision on who will be the two signatories to the account and which bank will be nominated;

  5. Adopt a motion to seek a PO Box at Dulwich Hill for mail; and

  6. General Business.




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